Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Fusion: Insulation and Solar Panel

Do you want to save more money from energy consumption? It is perhaps the one thing we want when it comes to energy talks: to cut off a few energy cost consumption.
Hope this article might do the trick or at least shed some light.

Insulation by pouring or spraying is one way of cutting down expenses whether on heating (in cold countries like Canada, some parts of US, Europe, Japan and those above the tropical zone) or cooling (in hot and humid countries like the Philippines, Mexico, India and those that belonged to the tropical zone). The more sufficiently your home is insulated, the lesser energy you lose through inefficiency and by inefficiency, we mean those energy lost through leakages in your structural home. It is advisable to call your trusted contractor or energy auditor to help you assess on how much insulation you need for your home.
The sun's existence is constant and its heating power, as well. Pondering whether using insulation materials and solar panels both at once will work, I stumbled on an article on a research led by an associate professor of University of California- San Diego Jacobs School of Engineering: Jan Kleissl with which his research output was granted permission to be published in Solar Energy the official journal of the International Solar Energy Society.
In his research observation of Powell Structural Systems Lab, the tilted solar panels on roofs served as roof shades which also received all the heat from the sun. Instead the sun striking down onto the roof and causing heat to be pushed through the roofs and into the ceiling of the building, the solar panels took the solar baggage.

The gap between the tilted panels and the roof gives a space for air circulation providing further cooling. On the image below, the footprint of the titled solar panel is visible as the cool blue area.
Solar energy technology has progressed from time (though still in the process) that it can provide a little energy use or even all your energy usage for appliances. Also, solar panels not only help lower energy consumption cost, it also aids in the cooling outcome in your building combined with insulators.
If properly installed, the research sited along with claims of advantages of insulation will both hold true. Nonetheless, it is with the consumer to take risk, make a change and witness notable achievements.

EcoFoam Polyurethane Insulation welcomes all inquiries, comments and suggestion. Leave us a message and we will get back to you immediately. You can also email us at inquiry@olympus.com.ph.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Solar Power Unveiled

Solar energy has become the talk of the town since people (scientists and environmentalists) began to notice the destructive effects of increasing carbon emission from burning fossil fuels.
The question is, why now? Why now when effects are getting more obvious and unstoppable, when scholars have known the different effects years before? The answer lies perhaps to every man/woman placed in position and what their priorities are.
Nonetheless, we are interested in what good does using solar power bring us, our environment and the drawback it offers when decision for a change will take its course.
With solar power, emission of green house gases will be cut since conducting the sun's radiation is void of any smoke, gas or other chemical by-product that greatly affect the Earth's atmospheric protection.

Solar energy is a hundred percent free energy beyond installation and maintenance because unlike oil or coal, it does not require raw materials which are to be extracted, refined and transported to power plants (though there is cost of installation for setting up a solar panel). Aside from initial investment, it provides a decrease of long-term energy cost.
The sun's power can be a wise choice for self-reliant or rural communities since this does not require transportation of oil, coal and gas which (again) adds an additional expense.

Having to choose solar energy also creates jobs from manufacturing industries, for installation, monitoring and maintaining solar panels, research and design, development, cultural integration and policy jobs. Career in Solar Power shows a list of jobs, duties and wages that the workforce is required and will receive respectively.
Solar energy has the ability to avoid price manipulation and politics because the energy of the sun is an unlimited commodity that can be sourced out from many locations, compared to the usage of fossil fuels which has employed political and price manipulation for the past years causing the latter to cost more.
Solar does not constantly rely on mining raw materials, it does not result to destruction of ecosystems and/or natural habitats causing extinction of many living and non-living species that contribute to the balanced existence of all creatures on earth plus it does less long-term damage than any other energy source. Thus making each one responsible steward of each other and for other living creatures.

EcoFoam Polyurethane Insulation welcomes all inquiries, comments and suggestion. Leave us a message and we will get back to you immediately. You can also email us at inquiry@olympus.com.ph.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Recycle and Earn!

Having a bit of problem on what to do with your unwanted left-overs and fruit peelings?
A simple way to solve that problem, as simple as digging little pits for marble shooting!

Literally, you can simply dig pits in your backyards (for those who were blessed with moderate if not wide backyards) where you can dump all the perishable left-overs and peelings of the consumed fruits. Just make sure not to discard/discharge the dug soil (this may come in handy later). It's up to you by how deep you wish your pit will be.
Also make sure that the things (like leftover foods, fallen leaves, plant cuttings, wilted stems, overripe fruits, fruit peels and unused vegetables) you place onto your compost pits are all biodegradable because after decay and nutrients are released, the soil absorbs them for plant reuse.
You help recycle and clean the environment; you also enrich the lands on your backyards. To lessen if not eradicate the smell of withering or decaying foods, you can cover your compose pits with used GI sheets (Galvanize Iron). This also helps keep lovable pets from scavenging decomposing or rotten left-overs. When the pit is already filled, you can cover it with the dug soil.

Ideally, after having to have occupied the space of the ground (not filling the pits), you have to cover these garbage for another layer of composting. But filling the whole space from bottom up then cover with dug-soil works as well.

If you do not have a backyard, empty cans (cans of milk, large canned goods), bottles or bins will do since, perhaps most of the urban communities don't really have backyards. Though this will be messy, organizing them wouldn't be a clatter problem (besides, it's for the Mother Earth's health and the general public's greater good). If you have neighbors who are blessed with soil-filled backyards, you can ask from them for, if possible, generous amount of soil to cover your compost bins, bottles or cans.
You can also earn from gathering your biodegradable trash. Simply gather them and sell them to farmers and gardeners who prefer to fertilize their plants and crops by making compost pits. You get to help provide for a more breathable environment, you also earn an income!
EcoFoam Polyurethane Insulation welcomes all inquiries, comments and suggestion. Leave us a message and we will get back to you immediately. You can also email us at inquiry@olympus.com.ph.