energy has become the talk of the town since people (scientists and
environmentalists) began to notice the destructive effects of
increasing carbon emission from burning fossil fuels.
question is, why now? Why now when effects are getting more obvious
and unstoppable, when scholars have known the different effects years
before? The answer lies perhaps to every man/woman placed in position
and what their priorities are.
we are interested in what good does using solar power bring us, our
environment and the drawback it offers when decision for a change
will take its course.
solar power, emission of green house gases will be cut since
conducting the sun's radiation is void of any smoke, gas or other
chemical by-product that greatly affect the Earth's atmospheric
energy is a hundred percent free energy beyond installation and
maintenance because unlike oil or coal, it does not require raw
materials which are to be extracted, refined and transported to power
plants (though there is cost of installation for setting up a solar
panel). Aside from initial investment, it provides a decrease of
long-term energy cost.
sun's power can be a wise choice for self-reliant or rural
communities since this does not require transportation of oil, coal
and gas which (again) adds an additional expense.
to choose solar energy also creates jobs from manufacturing
industries, for installation, monitoring and maintaining solar
panels, research and design, development, cultural integration and
policy jobs. Career in Solar Power
shows a list of jobs, duties and wages that the workforce is required
and will receive respectively.
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energy has the ability to avoid price manipulation and politics
because the energy of the sun is an unlimited commodity that can be
sourced out from many locations, compared to the usage of fossil
fuels which has employed political and price manipulation for the
past years causing the latter to cost more.
does not constantly rely on mining raw materials, it does not result
to destruction of ecosystems and/or natural habitats causing
extinction of many living and non-living species that contribute to
the balanced existence of all creatures on earth plus it does less
long-term damage than any other energy source. Thus
making each one responsible steward of each other and for other
living creatures.
EcoFoam Polyurethane Insulation
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and we will get back to you immediately. You can also email us at